Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Workout Plan -review week ending 20/04/08

Instead of the normal weekly review , it's the review for a month :), and nothing to report after the office getting moved to a far off location, my routine and time available has taken a hit and adding to it is the hectic work that's being forced upon me which doesn't really help in keeping my spirits up for indulging in any activities after work, anyways as always going against the tide i ran 5 kms in 29min 30 secs today which after a month of just parking myself in chairs is i believe a good effort even i though i wished i could have run 10k today.

I registered for Sunfeast 10 kms Bangalore Run which was scheduled for may 25 but cause of elections was first postponed to june 2 and then i got a mail to inform that it was advanced to 18th may :). For me it doesn't matter when it's scheduled, it just lessens my waiting time. Looking at the run today i can honestly say Bring it on!!!!.I am absolutely sure of running it well within an hour and to keep a record of that will take the chip timing.So, come on baby , i am licking my lips!!!

Another observation: running bare-foot on a treadmill isn't such a good idea leaving aside the fact that it brings down your timing, after the first 2 kms, it just started feeling like i was running on hot coals, and after the run i was left with a lump below my left toe , which i hope doesn't turn into a blister, so from now on shoes it is.