Thursday, October 2, 2008

Who invented the Telephone??

Its kind of a "who hits the buzzer first" question, the answer is as well known as the fact that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Imagine my surprise when i discovered that the answer isn't true anymore. I had undeniable proof before me, so there was not much time to dwell on dis-belief. Yes, it was a shock that something that has been accepted by people for a century isn't true.Just got an understanding of how History actually works, the truth of the past that we call history is something written for winners. It being true is as good as the reality shows now-a-days , and the facts (i am sorry!!, they are tales that we treat as facts) are either considered as truth by the generation of the period when the event happened or further generations which just want a simpler form of the past.In short , history tweaks the truth for general consumption , diluting the essentials and just leaving an essence for people so that they have a satisfaction of tasting the past.

It ain't about which year the battle took place ,or which king ruled what part of the earth, or the number of queens in a king's harem or the number of children the king sired , it really ain't about the riches of the court, the jewels , the untold and
uncountable wealth that once was the property of a ruler. Yes , i agree they may be facts , but all these are just numbers , which are of no use to anyone , except for winning points in quizzes. We have a history of 5000 years, but what have we learned
from it??. At the drop of a hat , any time, any place , when-ever we discuss about our history , our eyes gaze in amazement at the bygone era of planned cities, generous kings, spiritual personalities, material wealth which we once had, our imagination runs wild when our ancient lands are described in exquisite words by travelling foreigners. But , one question always creeps up on me, what have we learned??. They were genocides in the past and genocides can still be found plenty all across the world,what have we learned?

Of what use is knowing history , one filled with facts and figures, if it doesn't help us in recognizing symptoms of the diseases(none of them having a connection with medical health ) which have appeared through out human history and occur in a cyclic fashion.

When will we capable enough to understand that we can stop History from repeating itself??
Oh oh!! got a bit serious,:), it all started with the telephone, hmm ... lets see what the guys think when i tell them that the sun doesn't rise in the east.