Thursday, November 13, 2008

Meeting !

Finally after a long series of setting up and postponing meetings just like the normal court proceedings albeit for very real and pressing reasons, and after about 9 weeks had lapsed, at last it was time to meet. In a way it was going to be a new experience, I had never met anyone before whom I knew only from the Internet. Just remembered all those funny incidents when a few of my friends were called up to meet their choo-sweet chat friends and the unsuspecting victim after somehow lying and escaping from the questions of his friends would end up waiting at the appointed place for what seemed like eons, and on his return back would be welcomed with that all-knowing smiles on his friends' faces:),it's cruel to have friends like those;), hmmm..... was it really that long ago??

Back to the meeting, yeah, I had no apprehensions, the person I was meeting was genuine. I ended up reaching the appointed place a few minutes late due to the omnipresent Bangalore traffic.
Gave a call.
Yeah, I will be there in two minutes
And then we finally met.
We just started talking about random stuff and then she mentioned that i am one person she is really scared off, honestly , I still can't figure out why?:).

We just talked about her job, difficulties with getting some good work done and yeah the funny part:).
It went something like this.

Some of the IT Guys are so ignorant/arrogant that they think they know everything and they are like 'what don't we know about taking care of the environment that we need a session to understand '. And I ask them just one question... then ... .

"Sometimes people think that being educated implies they know everything"

Yeah, these IT people are.....

"(hmm..)I think you don't know this..., but I am an IT Guy too!!!"
(No animals or people were hurt during this conversation.)

We talked about politics and other stuff, exchanged some more info about ourselves, took pics and finished some paneer , juice and dosas along the way. Oh yeah!, I offered a quick crash course in Kannada to survive the demons of the street (read autowallahs) and what a superb learner , the pronunciations were perfect!!!.

As I had discussed with Chintu sometime back, the way we go about leading our lives or in fact the way we have lived our lives till now , we have been more often than not surrounded by people who look at things the same way and share the same view-points.This may aid us in achieving what ever we have set out for but in the long term makes us myopic.
With regards to this context , this was a very refreshing experience.

QTS : Hmm.. why do i go deep when I blog??? Telephone came down to history and meeting came down to different view-points... maybe its time Rushdie took me as his understudy:).There I go again ,clear proof that I can't hold a single line of thought for long I guess;).

Coming back to the meeting.

At the end of the day in Doogie Howser style.

Dear Diary,

Today I met a person for the first time, but we already knew each other and got to know more about each other.Today I met a person pure at heart with passion and belief in her work. Makes me wonder when will I find something .... that something which is my elusive passion. I met a good friend today, and that made my day.......
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ (cursor blinking on the screen)

[Roll Credits]
Tha na na na tha na na , thik thik th...........

1 comment:

Siddharth Chaudhari said...

Was just checking out some videos of our last match in which you scored an awesome goal :) Sent them to Kuppa too. Boy I wish those days were back...