Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Workout Plan -review week ending 09/05/08

Did a good thing this week, joined a run club of a sports apparel brand , they have been organizing runs for some time now for the 10 k run, went early at around 6:00 am on Wednesday and was truly amazed to see people of all ages warming up for the run.

The track was a 2.5 kms stretch inside the famous cubbon park and it was a good sight to see so many people out for their morning walks, some laughter club too was conducting its session:), anyways the run started and there was a group of 10 -15 people who just galloped off and i am not one who wants to be left behind so i just sprinted off behind them and run along for around 200-300 Mts. and that was that for the day:), started a sprint-stop-walk style of running.
Had kept a target of running 10 kms before i started and i was just blown off in the first 2-3 kms itself somehow completed 2 rounds and was wondering if i could complete 10kms and just as i started off the 3 round saw someone (no. 376 or 378) in the same situation as me, so just joined him and we kept jogging for sometime, and i started getting a rhythm going and just when i thought of increase the speed, the guy fell back(have to thank him for hitting a rhythm ) , i continued at the same pace and completed the 3 rd round peacefully ,in the 4 th round i was tempted to again increase my speed but somehow i decided to just keep going and reached my 10 kms target in probably 1hr 10 mins , but i didn't stop there:) just kept going for another round and so completed 12.5 kms in 1 hr 25 mins.

Although the timings aren't that good it felt good to hit the roads after such a long -time and the organizers took care of the fluids with the electrodes, bananas and biscuits.Looking at how the legs did not complain much, feel confident about running longer distances;).Anyways i still have the target of running 10 kms within an hour on race day which is just a few days away , so its time to hit the road again!!

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