Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day 0- Qatar Transit

Tired and weary, yet full of enthusiasm to explore the new country I and BIL (Bro-in-law) went out on the pretext of getting some currency exchanged. As we went out the difference between the conditioned air inside and the dry hot air outside made us feel as if we had just stepped into an oven. We later found out it was just 36 degrees. Anyways we made our way to the city center mall which was about three blocks away and as we walked past the buildings few things struck me.

1.) None of the architects in Qatar were ever taught about straight lines. Case in point none of the buildings we saw had any straight lines to it. Finding something that resembled a rectangle would be like, you know the haystack….

2. ) Highly automated traffic systems all around and with the density so sparse in the city both the pedestrians and the drivers have a good time, the traffic rules depend on give-ways as the signals have been minimized to the maximum extent.

3.) Qatar seems to have woken up from a deep slumber having spent millions if not billions in getting the world interested in it. The FIFA world cup 2022 will be held here.

4.) Doha shows the modern face to the world with women allowed to show their faces in public and seek employment outside their homes. Saw them working in the immigration check and then the parking attendants but did not see them anywhere else.

5.) Doha has embraced people from all over the world and I could see people from India, China, Africa, UK, USA, Japan and other parts of Europe all in one day , proof enough I guess. Did I mention the to and fro drivers between the airport and hotel were Indians?

6.) The expatriates run the city …. Almost. That’s what the lines outside a foreign exchange cum remittances’ center indicated.

7.) Hub for all the MNC to market their goods which was evident on the roads with cars of Japanese, European and American make zipping past and the products seen in City Centre mall and Carrefour.

8.) There is not much in terms of sight-seeing in the city except for the Islamic museum and an arts center. But it has a Promenade to die for, amazingly clean and you can find people jogging, walking at any time of the day. The city is getting ready for a world class Art Museum and that I believe is going to be real mean.

9.)The Doha Airport is meant just for the state airlines Qatar Airways or so it seems didn't see any other carrier on the tarmac.

10.) It does have an old market or a market in the format of yore where the most sold products are chocolates, spices and pets.

What I enjoyed most was the hotel where we stayed Movenpick, going by its name at first impression it I guessed it would be some kind of a motel with the name “ Move’n’Pick” . But the stay was so good, it was probably the best place I stayed on the trip. Truly global was its cuisine spanning Indian, Italian, American, Mexican, Thai and Cheesssseee J. I must have tried about 40 different dishes that day and I am a vegetarian.:)

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