Saturday, October 20, 2012

Insider - Outsider ??

I cannot explain it, but it really hurts when people I believe I know, do deeds that .. lets say I would bury myself for doing them. Felt that way when a friend of mine tried to shamelessly use his religion to garner a few stupid votes a few years ago and then last week a guy I expected to have some common sense nonchalant puts a post bashing a public figure(PB) because his actions apparently hurt his sentiments. Go on buddy share your emotions with a few thousand more people if it helps to alleviate the pain you feel, I am all for it. But then I do not understand how the PB's action should cause such an impact on you, you are not a stakeholder in the entity, I am flabbergasted at the outburst to say the least.

I do not wish to specifically discuss the PB or the entity because what concerns me is that the
emotions shown arise from a sense of ownership of the PB and his entity and I believe it is a very unhealthy connection to have especially when there is apparently nothing connecting you both.

For those not in the loop , the situation is about a giant of a company deciding to set up its new operational center outside of the state where its headquartered. The grouse of the individual is that the action reeks of being a traitor to a state which favored the company.I have generalized it because this is a situation oft repeated and more importantly is the need to address the emotions shown by the individual which I believe is similarly exhibited by millions across the country and probably through out the world.

My argument is this the PB has not been elected by you to care for your welfare or your emotions and has all the rights to run the business as he/she seems fit as far as it doesn't break any laws or endanger in any way human life. I do not understand where this sense of ownership and betrayal comes from. If citizens feel betrayed it should be with its elected leaders as they wield the tools for getting investments to their constituencies and they hold the responsibility to do that in the best way possible. Remember Singur, Posco and there are surely a few more examples to illustrate that its the political leaders who let down its citizens.

But the bigger problem in all this is the sense of considering someone an Outsider. This I believe is like cancer which has the potential to get malignant given the right conditions. This is the point that has oft been used through out our history by Kings, Dictators to get the majority of its citizens support them against the monsters that the minorities always are.

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