Sunday, March 23, 2008

My Workout Plan -review week ending 21/03/08

Again the same story , loads of work, no time or energy left:(

My Workout Plan -review week ending 14/03/08

Zot and Zilch!!, hectic time at work taking its toll.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

What a Game!!!

I unfortunately missed out the Barnsley - Liverpool event by about 5 mins. Ghurram tried to get me to the action with an SMS but i missed it:( .Hopefully he can add to this post when he is free.
Anyways Barnsley love me a lot so they set up a bigger show when i was watching.

Wave after wave of Chelsea attacks were blunted, everyone knew it would take just one opportunity, one mistake, one goal for everything to fall in place for Chelsea.
They might have surprised liverpool with a late goal but back to back matches with 2 of the fab four of EPL, come on it's too much to ask of a championship side.
The format gives opportunity for upsets but 2 great ones ?? Even Terry would have dismissed the probability especially after the show they put up against Olympia cos.

Everyone Enjoyed the game

And the experts too gave them very bleak chances of being Giant-Killers again.
Game Preview

The match stats clearly show that Chelsea had the upper hand and could have taken the game away very easily with 15 against 3 shots on target.It was clear to me that the super-team would just drop the ball once into the net and that would be it.
And then the clock struck 66 ... Goal -- Odejayi. Team -- Barnsley. I jumped out of my chair(as a matter of fact i wasn't sitting on one :) ),clapping hard and laughing out loud at this unbelievable piece of sports legend being created.

I hadn't heard of Barnsley until they beat Liverpool and i couldn't help smiling at the fact that Odejayi choose to cause Chelsea heart-burn after not scoring for hold your breath ... 28 games.Guess they have an appetite for big games and big teams.
But the real test was ahead , they had sweaked past Liverpool by scoring at the death, but here they had 24+ minutes to defend a legendary win against a world-class team.

And so the attacks began, left , right and centre , shots, lobs , runs.And yet Steele adjudged the best player of the previous round drew on his confidence and stood tall , maybe the Chelsea players might have just noticed that the Goal was diminishing into a single point of certainity as time ticked by.

They did all they could , their runs and shots at the Goal from outide the box were always stopped just a few yards into the box.If ever you wondered how could 300 men fight against a million , well this was your answer.The defenders just threw their bodies around , mud and sweat mixed .After the Goal some of the Chelsea players tried to play it the physical way, but seems like every Barnsley player knew that Chelsea had to get through each one of them if they needed to score.

And that's why i loved this game, players throwing themselves around not caring if they lived for another day, no , this day was what they had lived for , this was the match they were born to play. Wondering how i am writing about people whom i didn't know till yesterday, i think i just connect to them in their unfettered efforts to get their win which they so richly deserved. How many times have you watched sports contests when the chips are down or the inevitable is about to happen and you see players' shoulders dropping , thinking about the next game when they can get back at them.And that's why this was so different.I felt them play out their hearts-out , just like we played out our first hockey tournament finals against Delhi, we were not expected to win and we won it !! and that too without allowing them to enter the scoring area, they had won the semifinal 4-0 against a team which had beaten us while we had scrapped through 1-0 and man-o-man how we played, their strikers were blunted out , every tackle found its place and while defending we were running 2x tiring out their strikers:) , it was probably the best match we ever played , one i will never forget and so will i never forget the night Barnsley defeated Chelsea.

My Workout Plan -review week ending 07/03/08

And so it was, a very dissappointing week after the 5km run on sunday, couldn't get to run any more for the rest of the week. Had to nurse my legs throught the week, my left shin still hurts even when i walk:(, guess one has to pay for over-enthusiasm, chyaa.... what a waste.But as always i find a silver lining i lost 3k's in teh past few weeks, thanks to doing something caus eof this plan.

So total distance covered this week: 5kms in 28 mins.

Hopefully will get in atleast 10 this week, keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sweeney Todd -- I loved it.

It seems to have become a habit , i along with a friend of mine went to watch the movie last Friday. I hadn't read any reviews and so had no idea what it was about.The motivation was just the trailer i saw the previous week while watching Jumper(as i said seems to have become a habit). Just a chance to watch Depp and Helena was a good enough reason to pack up work and fight for the tickets (No animals or nearly animal humans were harmed i swear!!!).

And so i found myself in Victorian England staring at a very dark Depp staring at his destination and then he started singing and i knew i was in for something different, something on the lines of the movie about the life of Argentina's(?) ex-First Lady. Then as the movie moved on i thought it was something like a Shakespearean play where each character introduced has some part to play in creating the end, there were 7 and they did just that. A film about vengeance clouding all senses and for that matter love clouding all judgement. And after the movie finished just one thought hit my mind, 'No one else could have pulled it off other than Depp and Carter'. The ending was hmm.. say poetic justice(wow!! the fiction classes kicking in some part of my brain).All in all enjoyed a different genre of film, (i think i read somewhere that it was an adaptation of the darkest play ever!) and Burton makes the story look alive, it won an Oscar too, can't remember which category.

And so i left humming ...

'Once there was a Barber and his wife .......'

My Workout Plan -review week ending 29/02/08

I started this week by running 5 kms on Saturday with absolute vengeance for my laziness the previous week.But this had its side-effects. Sunday was a rest day and then i plodded for 18 min 10 secs on monday covering 3.3 kms.Then again took rest on tuesday.Wedsday --improved upon the timing 3.43 kms in 18min 10 secs, was able to get a rhythm and reached 2 kms without much of a sweat but then that was it for the week, didnt run on thursday or friday.

So, EOW ran 11.73 kms .Not meeting expectations but at least better than last week

And then....

Saturday wasn't able to do much ans so Sunday arrived , i again got back into vengeance mood and had to huff and puff to the finish line ,was forced to take a break after 3 kms for a min , not the best runs i ever ran. But.... I covered 5 kms in 28 mins flat !!! , there sure is light ahead:)

The Question to Life, Universe and Everything Else

Hmm... lighting struck twice. On the same ride to work i think i cracked the big question, at least based on my own interpretation.

It has been decades since Douglas Adams propounded the Answer to Life , Universe and Everything else, something humans have been cracking their heads open for ages and maybe from the start of time itself. But the answer in 'Douglesque' style was baffling , a simple and straight '42' was the answer given by the 'Second Best' computer the universe ever had.

So, we have an answer but it does not make any sense until you ask the correct question.

And so after 4 years of yearning to somehow get an explanation (as you know these things cannot be arrived by human logic alone and also how can a mere element of the 'First One' find something for which the 'First One' itself was created.So , now you know the question wont help you it's just for me ). And without much ado let me ask the Question

How many years more can YOU live your life the way you want to?

I Thought a Quote

On the ride to work this week i got lucky and was seated for the whole journey.With the breeze hitting my face through the window i was in sublime mood , some thoughts cropped up and just following them i got a quote , probably i might make it a series if keep getting into the weird thoughts zone.So, here it goes

"One can know what type of a society we live in by looking at how 'normal' people live, one can judge how good the society is by looking at how 'abnormal' people are allowed to live"