Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Question to Life, Universe and Everything Else

Hmm... lighting struck twice. On the same ride to work i think i cracked the big question, at least based on my own interpretation.

It has been decades since Douglas Adams propounded the Answer to Life , Universe and Everything else, something humans have been cracking their heads open for ages and maybe from the start of time itself. But the answer in 'Douglesque' style was baffling , a simple and straight '42' was the answer given by the 'Second Best' computer the universe ever had.

So, we have an answer but it does not make any sense until you ask the correct question.

And so after 4 years of yearning to somehow get an explanation (as you know these things cannot be arrived by human logic alone and also how can a mere element of the 'First One' find something for which the 'First One' itself was created.So , now you know the question wont help you it's just for me ). And without much ado let me ask the Question

How many years more can YOU live your life the way you want to?

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